So the highlight of our February was going to Rock Springs, WY the last weekend of the month to see my brother Steve and his wife Nicky. Rock Springs is definitely not the most exciting spot on the map but it was nice to go see them and we enjoyed a fun relaxing weekend there.
While February was a relatively boring month for us, March started out very exciting. March 3rd we were finally approved for adoption!! We are looking forward to the new adventure of finally becoming parents. It has been a long, difficult, and emotional journey but we couldn't be more excited with where we are at now. We are adopting through LDS Family services and our profile is now on their website. We ask everyone to spread the word and keep us in mind. About a third of the adoptions through Family Services are designated adoptions where birth mom and adopting parents find each other outside of the agency. Also a little plug for Family Services. They offer free confidential counseling to women of all faiths and backgrounds and help them to explore their options. They help explore all options with mom, not just adoption. It's a great resource available out there.
Anyway, put a link to our profile at family services on the side bar of our blog. We have also set up another blog that we are just updating monthly with what we are doing in our lives and doesn't have any identifying information on it. It can be found at
Christmas Day
3 days ago
I got your email Steph!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for the both of you. You are going to make amazing, fun, and wonderful parents!!!!